Lover of -
Bold & bright blondes, seamless color blends, undetectable extensions, and a quality salon experience
Believer in -
Fate, Women Empowerment, and Never (ever ever) Giving Up
Fan of -
A good 6am sweat sesh, country concerts, endless amounts of coffee, & two (very spoiled) pups
Lover of -
High contrast foilyage services, deep rooted balayage, heavy face framed blondes, and a killer money piece
Believer in -
"Be so committed to your dreams that you are willing to endure discomfort, change and growth. Refuse to accept anything less than complete love an alignment"
Fan of -
Spending way too much time on youtube, perfecting her social media content, creating connections with clients, and cuddles with her cat
Lover of -
Dimensional color, in depth blonding services, effortless hairstyling, and enhancing natural hair with extensions
Believer in -
"Authenticity - the courage to be yourself, it requires vulnerability, transparency and integrity"
Fan of -
Travel and sunshine, new adventures, exploring and enjoying the outdoors with her hubby and fur son. hanging with her besties, and good food - red wine - and great coffee!
Lover of -
All things blonde - foil work, balayage, & platinums. And enhancing her clients natural hair using an advanced hand tied extension method
Believer in -
"If you can be anything at all, be kind"
Fan of -
Taylor Swift & The Bachelor (Duh), exploring national parks, traveling to new places, and taking walks with her husband and pup
Lover of -
Curly hair & educating her clients on the best ways to take care of their curls, bridal styles, and coloring services ranging from bright blondes to bold reds
Believer in -
"Be the reason someone smiles today"
Fan of -
Getting into a good book, playing the guitar, and spending time with her loved ones and fur baby
Lover of -
Timeless hair color, seamless foil work, and super blended looks. Healthy hair is her favorite hair
Believer in -
God & "In the midst of chaos keep stillness inside of you"
Fan of -
mothering her three vibrant kids, hanging with her incredible husband. Constantly learning more about health and wellness for her family
Lover of -
Balayage, highlight, and foilyage services - determining what style and color placement works best for your lifestyle
Believer in -
"It's your story, honey. Feel free to hit 'em with a plot twist whenever you want."
Fan of -
Trying out local restaurants, taking cycle classes, and most of all spending time with her adorable baby girl, Natalie!
Lover of -
Dimensional coloring, lightening services, razor cutting techniques and effortless hair styles
Believer in -
"Never stop striving to be a better version of yourself"
Fan of -
Spending time with her boys and cheering them on at all of their sporting events, wine nights with her girl friends, and traveling anywhere you can find a beach
Lover of -
Dimensional colors & blonding services that deliver long lasting results
Believer in -
'It's not what you achieve - it's what you overcome that defines you"
Fan of -
Spending time with her family & boyfriend, Jordan. And being a mama to her three fur babies!
Lover of -
Dimensional colors, in depth blonding services, with a passion for extensions and always continuing to educate herself and her clients.
Believer in -
"If you are outgrowing who you've been, you're right on schedule. Keep evolving."
Fan of -
The outdoors, health & fitness, exploring new local restaurants with her hubby, and being a new mama to her baby boy, Wally.